Chocolate Wafer Cookies Recipe (Vegan)

These cookies are fantastic for making ice box cakes, like the Mint-Chocolate one in the following blog entry, but they are also sublime on their own. This recipe is vegan but I will include options for a non-vegan version as well. Adapted from     The Joy of Baking.


– 1 1/2 c. flour

– 1 c. unsweetened cocoa powder

– 1/4 tsp. salt

– 1/4 tsp. baking soda

– 1/2 c. sugar

– 2/3 c. light brown sugar

– 10 Tbsp. Earth Balance or other butter substitute, or butter

– 4 Tbsp. almond milk, or regular milk

– 1 tsp. vanilla extract


1. In a large bowl combine flour, cocoa, salt, and baking soda

2. In a separate bowl cream together butter (substitute) and sugars

3. Add (almond) milk and vanilla to sugar mixture

4. Fold dry mixture into wet

5. Stir until well integrated and batter comes together

6. Flip batter out onto a dry surface and knead briefly

7. Form batter into a log shape and roll in wax paper. Place in refrigerator to chill overnight, or for a minimum of 1 hour

8. Once batter has chilled, preheat oven to 350F

9. Unwrap dough and slice into 1/4” – 1/2” disks. Personally, I like thicker wafers for ice box cakes, and thinner wafers for snacking…

10. Line cookie sheets with wax paper, place 9-12 cookies per tray, and bake for 11-13 minutes

11. Allow to cool for 5 minutes, remove from trays to finish cooling. Recipe makes 28-36 cookies, depending on width. Enjoy!


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3 responses to “Chocolate Wafer Cookies Recipe (Vegan)

  1. Pingback: Mint-Chocolate Icebox Cake | theindiehomemaker

  2. Pingback: Typical Tuesday… « diaryofamadcrafter

  3. Pingback: Leftover peppermint patties!! « diary of a mad crafter

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