Brussels Sprouts with Aged Provolone and Toasted Pecans

Every once in a while accidental kitchen magic happens. It usually seems to happen on those nights when you just don’t feel like cooking, or realize at 6PM that you have totally forgotten about dinner, and you must rummage through your pantry and refrigerator in the hope that, please God, there is something edible that you can quickly throw together….This recipe was born of one of these nights: I had little more than a bag of Brussels sprouts and a hunk of cheese in the fridge. We also happen to have two big, beautiful pecan trees in our back yard that have been dropping literally hundreds of nuts around our house. And so, out of necessity came this dish, but I am not exaggerating when I say kitchen magic…this totally knocked my socks off…

This recipe is so simple I almost feel guilty posting this; but it’s too delicious not to share. This is one side dish I will definitely be voting in to make an appearance at our Thanksgiving table this year, and is tasty enough to win over even sprout-haters and picky eaters. *If you are a meat-eater a little pancetta or bacon added to the cheese topping would be sublime…


– 2 Tbsp. butter, divided in half

– 1/2 c. chopped pecans or walnuts

– 1 lb. Brussels sprouts

– 1/4 c. vegetable stock, or water

– 3 Tbsp. lemon juice

– Salt and pepper to taste

– 1/2 c. grated aged provolone (Parmesan or Romano would also work really well)


1. In a large skillet melt first tablespoon of butter

2. Add chopped nuts to butter and sautee, stirring frequently

3. While nuts are toasting, chop your sprouts. Sprouts should be cut thin; you can use a mandolin if you like, but I simply cut the sprouts down the middle and then julienned the halves

4. Add second tablespoon of butter to skillet

5. Once butter is melted add sprouts to skillet. Sautee 2-3 minutes.

6. Add stock to pan and allow to cook 5-10 minutes, until sprouts are softened but still green and toothsome. Stir often

7. Add lemon juice, salt, and pepper

8. Place sprouts and nuts into a casserole dish, top evenly with the grated cheese and set under the broiler in your oven 2-3 minutes, or until cheese is melted, golden, and bubbly

9. Serve immediately

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One response to “Brussels Sprouts with Aged Provolone and Toasted Pecans

  1. this sounds awesome (i was already thinking of bacon to add to it before you mentioned it). my girls love brussel sprouts…who knows not 1 but 2 6 year olds who do? i do i do. i’ve got to try this!

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