Rösti-Style Potato Latke


I make these rösti for dinner all the time — they are so easy and incredibly satisfying. I mean really, what can you do with a potato that isn’t delicious? French fries, baked potatoes, hash browns, au gratin, lyonnaise, bubble and squeak….I’m pretty sure that I could eat potatoes in some form every day of the week and not get sick of them. At any rate, since Hanukkah is only 11 days away, I figured it was time to post this tried-and-true latke recipe.

This recipe makes one giant latke that is browned in a skillet and then cut into wedges and served (hence the “rösti style” moniker). The advantages of making them this way are that it’s faster, and, that the cream added while cooking has a chance to absorb into the potatoes, resulting in a super-creamy interior which contrasts sublimely with the browned crunchy-crispy exterior. If you like latkes but want to try something a little different that doesn’t veer too far off the traditional, this is the way to go.

Oooh, and side note — be sure to check back here in a few days when I begin my holiday baking series! Challah, gingerbread, pfeffernusse, shortbread, toffee, fougasse and more. Don’t miss it!



– 4 medium russet potatoes

– 1 medium yellow onion

– Salt and pepper to taste

– Dash cayenne (optional)

– 4 Tbsp. butter

– 1/2 c. heavy cream


1. Peel potatoes and grate potatoes into a large bowl

2. Mince onion and add to potato. Season with salt and pepper, and cayenne if using

3. Heat first 3 Tbsp. of butter in a large (preferably cast iron) skillet over medium-high heat

4. Add all of potato mixture to skillet, pressing down to even width

5. Reduce heat to medium and cook until bottom is browned (5-7 minutes)

6. Add heavy cream. Cook until cream is absorbed and evaporated (10-12 minutes)

7. Dot top with remaining 1 Tbsp. of butter and set under broiler until nicely browned (3-5 minutes)


8. Cut into wedges and serve

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