Tag Archives: chocolate

Mint-Chocolate Icebox Cake

Imagine if a box of Thin Mints and fresh whipped cream had a baby….delicious, yes? You need not merely imagine it, this recipe for a Mint-Chocolate Icebox Cake is not only insanely delicious, but ridiculously easy too.

Sort of an old-fashioned version of ice cream cake, icebox cakes are not as common or popular as they used to be, but have seen a renewal in popularity in recent years as many other retro things have become en vogue again. I had always wanted to try icebox cake — traditionally made with Nabisco Chocolate Wafers layered with plain whipped cream and left in the refrigerator or icebox overnight so that the cookies soften and the cream becomes firm– it is right up my alley. For all of the time that I prattle on about the benefits of eating seasonally/locally/organically it is only fair that I confess something here. I love Cool Whip. Notice I did not say whipped cream. No, I adore the completely artificial, terrible-for-you stuff that comes in a flimsy plastic tub. Specifically I like it semi-frozen, and I am both ashamed and completely serious when I say that I have been known to eat an entire tub by myself. Like a family-size tub. In one sitting. With a spoon….Yeah. So, like I said a whipped cream and cookie cake: totally my wet dream.

What finally inspired me to try making an icebox cake however, was watching The Barefoot Contessa in the waiting room at my doctor’s office. Ina Garten made a Mocha Chocolate Icebox Cake that looked absolutely killer. I decided to make my own more kid-friendly version to celebrate my stepson, Ethan, coming to visit us. The Mint-Chocolate version I made has received rave reviews. It was a little bit messy and runny at first, but after sticking it in the freezer for a bit it was absolutely to-die-for! And this is just about as easy as it gets — especially if you buy the chocolate wafers from the store.


– 2 packages store-bought chocolate wafers, or, try my recipe for  homemade ones

For mint whipped cream:

– 4 cups heavy whipping cream

– 3 Tbsp. sugar

– 1 tsp. peppermint extract

– Green food coloring (optional)

– Chocolate sauce, chocolate chips, or chocolate shavings for garnish (optional)


1. In the bowl of an electric mixer combine cream, sugar, and peppermint extract. Beat on high speed until thick and stiff peaks form

2. In a spring-form cake pan make one layer of chocolate wafers. I like to break up a few cookies to fill in the extra spaces

3. Cover wafers completely with a layer of the mint whipped cream

4. Make a second layer of wafers

5. Continue layering whipped cream and wafers until you reach the top of the cake tin, ending with a layer of cream

6. Cover with cling-film and chill. For a more traditional icebox cake leave in the refrigerator overnight, but my preference is to stick it in the freezer until firm

7. Once thoroughly chilled remove cling-film, remove from pan and decorate

8. Slice and enjoy!

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Chocolate Wafer Cookies Recipe (Vegan)

These cookies are fantastic for making ice box cakes, like the Mint-Chocolate one in the following blog entry, but they are also sublime on their own. This recipe is vegan but I will include options for a non-vegan version as well. Adapted from     The Joy of Baking.


– 1 1/2 c. flour

– 1 c. unsweetened cocoa powder

– 1/4 tsp. salt

– 1/4 tsp. baking soda

– 1/2 c. sugar

– 2/3 c. light brown sugar

– 10 Tbsp. Earth Balance or other butter substitute, or butter

– 4 Tbsp. almond milk, or regular milk

– 1 tsp. vanilla extract


1. In a large bowl combine flour, cocoa, salt, and baking soda

2. In a separate bowl cream together butter (substitute) and sugars

3. Add (almond) milk and vanilla to sugar mixture

4. Fold dry mixture into wet

5. Stir until well integrated and batter comes together

6. Flip batter out onto a dry surface and knead briefly

7. Form batter into a log shape and roll in wax paper. Place in refrigerator to chill overnight, or for a minimum of 1 hour

8. Once batter has chilled, preheat oven to 350F

9. Unwrap dough and slice into 1/4” – 1/2” disks. Personally, I like thicker wafers for ice box cakes, and thinner wafers for snacking…

10. Line cookie sheets with wax paper, place 9-12 cookies per tray, and bake for 11-13 minutes

11. Allow to cool for 5 minutes, remove from trays to finish cooling. Recipe makes 28-36 cookies, depending on width. Enjoy!


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