Tag Archives: hanukkah

Natural Stained Glass

I am doing a lot of homemade gifts for the holidays this year: picture frames, TONS of baked goods, a music-writing journal for my dad, and this artsy-crafty piece for my sister. The idea was to create an art piece, a “stained glass” if you will, by utilizing the beauty of the natural world. I pressed autumn leaves to make this piece, and when the sunlight comes through it the effect is rather like a stained glass window.

However, this project can not only be done with pressed leaves, but with many things found in nature — flowers, pine needles, grasses, insects, sand, etc. It could also be done with inorganic things to a similar effect, such as crepe paper, gossamer or other thin fabrics, etc. Get creative!

This entry outlines my method for this project, which you can easily follow or adapt according to your chosen materials.

What You Will Need:

– An old picture frame or window — I used an old sign with a glass panel that I found at the Habitat for Humanity Re-Store, but you can use anything that has a pane of glass (or that you can put a pain of glass into). If you use an old window you can pour resin directly onto glass panels, if you use a frame, remove glass and refit to frame once epoxy is dry

– Your decorative materials — leaves, flowers, paper, etc.

– Pour-on high-gloss epoxy resin and polyamine hardener — I prefer EnviroTex Lite, which can be found in many artist supply and craft stores. A note of caution here: it is better to overestimate how much of this you need, than to underestimate and run out!


1. Collect and prepare your materials. I took a long walk with my daughter one afternoon, stopping to collect anything that caught my eye and wound up with a bag full of leaves! I pressed these between two pieces of cardboard, weighted down with heavy items and left them for two weeks. The process is shown below, but not everything requires this amount of time and preparation — if you are using things that do not need to be pressed to be preserved you can get right to work!

And stored safely out of the way, under the bed

2. Clean your frame/window. Make sure glass is clean and smudge-free

3. Arrange your material onto the glass into a pattern that pleases you — checking your layout with a strong light-source behind it is recommended

4. Once you are satisfied with your layout, prepare your resin. Pour evenly over glass and material

5. Allow to dry completely (this will take hours — I suggest leaving it overnight)

6. Fit glass into frame. Glass can be secured using superglue, caulk, or brads.

7. Admire your work!

No light:


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Wildflower Honey Challah

Happy-almost- Hanukkah! Here’s a kick-ass recipe to get the challah-day started… Anyone?



– 3 1/2 c. white flour

– 1 c. wheat flour (optional — can use all white flour, but I like the density and heartiness that the wheat flour adds, though it is not traditional)

– 1 tsp. kosher salt

– 1 1/4 tsp. active dry yeast

– 1/4 c. canola or vegetable oil

– 2 eggs

– 3 Tbsp. wildflower raw honey

– 3/4 c. warm water

– 1 beaten egg yolk, plus 1 Tbsp. water for brushing

– 1-2 Tbsp. sesame or poppy seeds for sprinkling, if desired



1. In a large bowl combine flour, salt, and yeast

2. Add oil, beaten eggs, and honey

3. Gradually mix in warm water until a soft dough forms. FYI — it will seem very dry and crumbly, but kneading will take care of that

4. Knead dough well on a lightly floured surface, for at least 5 minutes, until dough is smooth and elastic

5. Place dough back into bowl, cover with oiled cling film and leave somewhere warm to rise for 1 hour, or until doubled in size

6. Knead tough again on lightly floured surface. Divide into 3-6 equal pieces (number depends on you and how many pieces you are comfortable braiding — you can also always just coil your dough to form a simple spiral)

7. Roll pieces out into ropes

8. Braid pieces together, working from the outside in

9. Pinch ends together and gently fold under

10. Place loaf into a greased bread tin, cover with oiled cling film and leave somewhere warm to rise for 45 minutes, or until doubled in size

11. Preheat oven to 400F

12. Remove cling film and brush thoroughly with egg yolk, making sure entire loaf is well-coated.

13. Sprinkle with seeds, if using

14. Bake at 400F for 30 minutes, or until rich brown in color and loaf makes a hollow sound when tapped with fingertips. Do not over-bake your challah!

15. Allow to cool 5 minutes, and then carefully remove from tin to finish cooling. Enjoy!

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Pecan Shortbreads with Maple-Caramel Filling

Some of my favorite memories of my time in Argentina (surprise, surprise) involve food. Pizza napoletana in El Centro, empanadas from the vendors on Puerto Madero, bon-o-bons in every bodega… But one of my favorite foods I discovered in Argentina was the alfajor. Alfajores are essentially two rich shortbread cookies sandwiching a gooey layer of the ubiquitous Latin American treat dulce de leche, and often covered in chocolate, coconut, or powdered sugar. Yeah…

This recipe is a riff on the Argentine alfajor, but it can easily be divided to provide a quick and simple recipe for pecan shortbread, and/or a recipe for caramel that can be cooled on a sheet tray and cut into candies. One point of caution however: if you do use the caramel recipe for candy-making you may want to substitute the maple syrup with light corn syrup. The maple syrup in this recipe makes a far less chewy, much softer and yet more toothsome caramel. It is perfect for sandwiching between cookies, and is delicious on its own, but this recipe will definitely make a different caramel candy than you are used to.



Yields 15-20 cookie sandwiches or about 3 dozen individual cookies, depending on size

For the shortbread:

– 1 c. unsalted butter, room temperature

– 3/4 c. powdered sugar

– 1 1/2 tsp. kosher salt

– 2 1/3 c. flour

– 1 c. finely chopped raw pecans


For the maple-caramel:

– 1/2 c. butter (1 stick)

– 1 c. sugar

– 1 c. whole milk or cream

– 1/2 c. good quality maple syrup

– 1/2 tsp. vanilla



For the cookies:

1. Combine butter, powdered sugar, and salt. Beat until smooth.

2. Add flour and pecans and mix until just combined — do not over-mix

3. Form dough into a long log, about 2” in diameter

4. Wrap tightly in wax paper

5. Freeze until firm (about 30 minutes, but can be made ahead of time and frozen for 3-4 weeks)

6. Preheat oven to 350F

7. Remove paper and slice into thin disks, about 1/4” thick

8. Place disks onto baking sheets lined with parchment paper, at least 1” apart (they won’t spread much)

9. Bake at 350F for 15 minutes, or until golden around the edges

10. Remove from oven and allow to cool on baking sheets at least 5 minutes before transferring to towels or a rack to finish cooling


For the maple-caramel:

1. Over medium-low heat melt butter in a medium saucepan

2. Stir in sugar, milk, and maple syrup, increase heat to medium and bring to a boil, stirring often

3. Cook until a candy or oil thermometer reads 245F. This will take a while — probably about 30 minutes — but it is very important to continue stirring frequently so that your caramel does not burn

4. Once caramel has reached 245F remove from heat and promptly stir in vanilla

5. Allow to cool.

— For these cookies you want your caramel to be moderately cooled, but not so cool that it becomes hard and sticky and difficult to work with; about 30 minutes should be sufficient but you can check the consistency as it cools and begins the sandwiching process where you are comfortable.

— If you are making candies on the other hand, you will want to pour your caramel, immediately after adding vanilla, onto a greased and parchment lined sheetpan and allow to cool completely. Use a knife or clean kitchen scissors to cut into pieces and wrap in wax paper.

Welcome to the festival of cookies! Overdo it much?!

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Cinnamon-Sugar Cookies

Although technically what would be referred to as a “snickerdoodle,” this recipe for Cinnamon-Sugar Cookies makes a far chewier cookie than most snickerdoodles if come across, and has much less ridiculous (and more festive!) sounding name…I am including vegan options for this recipe.


Yields 2- 2 1/2 dozen cookies, depending on size

– 1 1/4 c. butter or butter substitute, room temperature

– 2 c. sugar

– 2 eggs (or 1/2 c. applesauce, plus 1 Tbsp. oil for vegan)

– 2 tsp. vanilla

– 2 3/4 c. sifted flour

– 1 tsp. baking soda

– 1/2 tsp. salt

– 3 Tbsp. white sugar, 3 Tbsp. brown sugar, 1 Tbsp. cinnamon — combined for coating


1. Preheat oven to 350F

2. In a large bowl cream together butter (substitute) and sugar. Beat until light and fluffy

3. Add eggs one at a time (or applesauce + oil), mixing well after each addition

4. Add vanilla

5. Slowly add dry ingredients. Mix well.

6. Place remaining sugars and the cinnamon onto a small plate

7. Roll dough into 1-1 1/2” balls and then roll in cinnamon-sugar to coat

8. Flatten each dough-ball slightly and place on an ungreased baking sheet, 2” apart from each other

9. Bake for 8-10 minutes at 350F

10. Remove from oven. Allow to cool for at least 5 minutes before removing from baking sheet, then transfer to towel or rack to finish cooling

My holiday cookie tin:

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Rösti-Style Potato Latke


I make these rösti for dinner all the time — they are so easy and incredibly satisfying. I mean really, what can you do with a potato that isn’t delicious? French fries, baked potatoes, hash browns, au gratin, lyonnaise, bubble and squeak….I’m pretty sure that I could eat potatoes in some form every day of the week and not get sick of them. At any rate, since Hanukkah is only 11 days away, I figured it was time to post this tried-and-true latke recipe.

This recipe makes one giant latke that is browned in a skillet and then cut into wedges and served (hence the “rösti style” moniker). The advantages of making them this way are that it’s faster, and, that the cream added while cooking has a chance to absorb into the potatoes, resulting in a super-creamy interior which contrasts sublimely with the browned crunchy-crispy exterior. If you like latkes but want to try something a little different that doesn’t veer too far off the traditional, this is the way to go.

Oooh, and side note — be sure to check back here in a few days when I begin my holiday baking series! Challah, gingerbread, pfeffernusse, shortbread, toffee, fougasse and more. Don’t miss it!



– 4 medium russet potatoes

– 1 medium yellow onion

– Salt and pepper to taste

– Dash cayenne (optional)

– 4 Tbsp. butter

– 1/2 c. heavy cream


1. Peel potatoes and grate potatoes into a large bowl

2. Mince onion and add to potato. Season with salt and pepper, and cayenne if using

3. Heat first 3 Tbsp. of butter in a large (preferably cast iron) skillet over medium-high heat

4. Add all of potato mixture to skillet, pressing down to even width

5. Reduce heat to medium and cook until bottom is browned (5-7 minutes)

6. Add heavy cream. Cook until cream is absorbed and evaporated (10-12 minutes)

7. Dot top with remaining 1 Tbsp. of butter and set under broiler until nicely browned (3-5 minutes)


8. Cut into wedges and serve

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