Tag Archives: sweet potato

Acorn Squash and Apple Soup

I am NOT a cold weather person. I blame it on growing up in the perfect weather of central California. I remember the first time I ever saw snowfall after moving to the East Coast and being totally transfixed by the world becoming soft and white and clean in the falling snow. And then I went outside, and for a few minutes, frolicking in the downy landscape of my lawn transformed, tossing snowballs into the air and catching the crisp flakes on my tongue I thought “This is awesome! I had no idea this is what I was missing!” And then I ceased to be able to feel my hands, and my feet turned into soggy little Freeze-Pops, and my nose and lungs started stinging every time I inhaled, and that was the end of my love affair with snow and all things related to what is misleadingly referred to as the Winter Wonderland.

Now, living in Charleston, I am happy to report that I enjoy 75 degree days, at least randomly, throughout the winter months. But there is definitely something about palm trees, and sunshine, and absurd amounts of sweat that makes it kind of hard to get into the holiday spirit. Thus I must admit that I was kind of excited when the temperature plummeted to an icy 63 degrees a few days ago….Seriously though, cooler temperatures call for comforting meals, and as far as I’m concerned there is nothing quite as cozy and comforting as a good soup.

Furthermore, one of my very best friends in the history of ever recently told me that she is considering taking the plunge into a vegan lifestyle and she LOVES soup, so I wanted to post a super-yummy vegan soup recipe in support of her. So this one’s for you BEAB, my sweet sugarpants daffodil monkey.


Yields approximately 3 quarts soup

– 1 medium acorn squash

– 1 Tbsp. oil

– 1 medium yellow onion, peeled and roughly chopped

– 2 c. carrots, peeled and roughly chopped (about 5 medium carrots)

– 5-6 cloves garlic, peeled and roughly chopped

– Salt and pepper to taste

– 1/4 tsp. allspice

– 3 c. sweet potato, peeled and roughly chopped (abt. 1 large tuber)

– 1 quart vegetable stock, plus 1 c. water

– 3 cups apples (any mild variety, such as Gala or Braeburn), peeled, cored, and roughly chopped (about 2-3 medium apples)

– 1 c. soymilk

– 2 Tbsp. good quality maple syrup


1. Preheat oven to 400F

2. Slice acorn squash in half, scoop out seeds, brush with oil and season with salt and pepper

3. Place squash into a roasting pan with 1/2” water, cut side up and place in oven to roast 40-50 minutes, or until knife is easily inserted through squash

4. Remove from oven and set aside

5. In a large pot, heat 1 Tbsp. oil over medium heat

6. Add onion and cook until just translucent, 2-3 minutes

7. Add carrot and cook another 3-5 minutes, stirring often

8. Add garlic, cook 1-2 minutes, then season with salt, pepper, and allspice

9. Add sweet potatoes, stock, and water

10. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer and cook until tubers are fork-tender, about 30 minutes

11. Use a spoon to scoop out the flesh of the squash then add to soup

12. Add apples and cook an additional 5 minutes

13. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly

14. Working in batches, ladle soup into a blender or food processor and puree until smooth

15. Return soup to pot. Stir in maple syrup and soy milk.

16. Taste and adjust seasonings — I like to add a swirl of sriracha over mine!

* Serve with a lightly dressed salad of bitter greens and a crusty baguette, or enjoy as a hearty lunch or appetizer. Soup will keep in a sealed container up to one week.

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The New Sweet Potato Casserole

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and as we’ve been planning our holiday menu, one dish in particular kept giving me trouble: the sweet potatoes. Growing up my mother made sweet potato casserole every year without fail. Now, I love my mom, and although she seldom cooks, I do love her cooking. However, that casserole was one thing that I always put on my plate only out of politeness and sensitivity — not because it was bad, but simply because it was just too sweet. The sugar, the marshmallows, the cinnamon, the already sweet tubers; it was just too much of a good thing. So in trying to determine this year how I should prepare my own sweet potato side dish, my mind automatically went to a casserole, but I knew that I wanted to balance that sweetness somehow. The answer: salt and heat.

I did a trial run of this dish tonight (just a half-recipe), and it was ah-mah-zing! Yep. The salted nut crust on top and the subtle warmth of cayenne within collaborated with the traditional recipe to make something at once sweet and salty, creamy and crunchy, familiar and unexpected, and altogether balanced and delicious. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you — may your holiday be filled with joy, love, and gratitude.



Yields 8-10 Servings

– 4 lbs. sweet potatoes (about 4 medium sized tubers)

– 1/2 c. evaporated milk (or almond milk for vegan)

– 4 Tbsp. melted butter, plus 2 Tbsp. for topping (or butter substitute, such as Earth Balance)

– 2 tsp. vanilla extract

– 1/3 c. sugar

– 1/2 tsp. kosher salt

– 1/4 tsp. nutmeg

– 1/4 tsp. white pepper

– 1/8 tsp. cayenne

– 2 eggs, beaten (optional — the eggs are a binder, and make for a stiffer casserole, but personally I think this dish works just as well without them)

– 1 c. salted nuts — I used pecans and peanuts here, but walnuts and cashews would also be excellent, however, the peanuts were especially complimentary to the flavor of the sweet potatoes

– 1/2 c. light brown sugar

– 3 Tbsp. flour

– 1 c. miniature marshmallows


1. Preheat oven to 400F

2. Wash and dry sweet potatoes. Wrap in aluminum foil and place in oven directly onto rack.

3. Roast sweet potatoes at 400F for approximately 1 1/2 hours, or until soft and a fork or knife can glide through easily

4. Remove from oven and allow to cool

5. Reduce oven temperature to 350F

6. Place sweet potatoes into a large bowl and mash well

7. Whisk in evaporated (or almond) milk, the first 4 Tbsp. of melted butter (substitute), vanilla, sugar, salt, and spices

8. Add eggs if using and mix well

9. Transfer mixture to a 2 qt. baking dish and spread evenly

10. Finely chop your nuts

11. Place nuts in a small bowl and add brown sugar, flour, and remaining 2 Tbsp. butter. Mix well.

12. Sprinkle nut mixture evenly over the top of sweet potatoes

13. Top with the miniature marshmallows

14. Bake in a 350F oven for 20-30 minutes, or until warmed through and nuts and marshmallows are golden brown

Happy Thanksgiving!



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